The Go-To People In Our Lives

The Go-To People In Our Lives

When we need an opinion, or support or find ourselves in a situation, we turn to a few people in our life who over the years become our ‘go-to’ people. This strong support system not only becomes a source of strength but also develops into shaping us as well along the...

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When You Love Someone, Let Them Know

When You Love Someone, Let Them Know

To have love for someone is one of the greatest joys of life, and to be loved is one of life’s greatest blessings. Just as joy increases by sharing it, love expands when we express it. If we reflect on it, we may well find that there is still much love in us, waiting...

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Sometimes Relationships Start Drifting

Sometimes Relationships Start Drifting

No one gets into a relationship for it to break, and yet there are times when we may find ourselves drifting away from people whom we were once very close to. Like two boats in a sea that once moved in tandem, over time we find ourselves steering different courses by...

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Determination Determines Our Destiny

Determination Determines Our Destiny

We set goals and embark on achieving them with much enthusiasm, only to find that very often our efforts started well but were half-hearted as we went along. Looking back, we may well find a string of well-intentioned motives incomplete in their closure. If we think...

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Measure What Matters

Measure What Matters

If you don’t measure it, you cannot improve – this principle holds good not only for sportspersons, organisations, and governments but for each of us as well. From experience, we know that the goals we have set, whether it be losing weight, achieving a financial...

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