Write It Down

Write It Down

Finding something in a messy cupboard or cluttered drawer is always difficult. Not only do we waste a lot of time, it agitates us. It is the same...

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Keep Failing

Keep Failing

We grow up often hearing that if we have not succeeded, we have failed. This conditioning not only builds sub-conscious fear, we often restrict the...

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Measure What Matters

Measure What Matters

If you don’t measure it, you cannot improve – this principle holds good not only for sportspersons, organisations, and governments but for each of...

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Write It Down

Write It Down

Finding something in a messy cupboard or cluttered drawer is always difficult. Not only do we waste a lot of time, it agitates us. It is the same with our mind. We have so many thoughts and emotions surfacing constantly, that we often find ourselves agitated and even...

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Are We Making Enough Time For Ourselves

Are We Making Enough Time For Ourselves

In a fast-paced world with so many things we plan to do, we often struggle to find time. Suddenly opportunities and resources seem easier to come by, time is at a premium. In our quest to achieve our goals and live up to our responsibilities we keep ourselves so busy...

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Building Our Emotional Immunity

Building Our Emotional Immunity

Doctors have told us that we need to build our immunity to prevent falling sick. We know that the physical discipline of food, exercise, and rest is critical to our well-being, but how often have we stepped back and focussed on building our emotional immunity? When we...

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Keep Failing

Keep Failing

We grow up often hearing that if we have not succeeded, we have failed. This conditioning not only builds sub-conscious fear, we often restrict the free flow of the best in us, for ‘fear of failing’. When we take a step back and reflect on what failure means to us, we...

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Are We Making Enough Time For Ourselves

Are We Making Enough Time For Ourselves

Our day often feels like a shopping bag, we keep filling up the space and stuffing it with things to do and people to meet, and before we know it, we’ve had a full day, are tired, and it's time to check out. Time seems to pass too quickly and even as we keep ourselves...

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The Bridge Between Our Dreams And Reality

The Bridge Between Our Dreams And Reality

We have our dreams, and then our reality. Often we find that even though we can see it in our mind’s eye, we see a gap in the outcome from the way we had imagined it. Sometimes these gaps cause anxiety and frustration, often leaving us wondering what could be the best...

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Determination Determines Our Destiny

Determination Determines Our Destiny

We set goals and embark on achieving them with much enthusiasm, only to find that very often our efforts started well but were half-hearted as we went along. Looking back, we may well find a string of well-intentioned motives incomplete in their closure. If we think...

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It Is Never Too Late To Start Believing In Ourselves

It Is Never Too Late To Start Believing In Ourselves

Very often we get held back, not because life stops us, but at some level, we stop believing we can do certain things and we hold ourselves back. Talent, resources and opportunities are like petrol, engine and wheels – inert until they are ignited. It will serve us...

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Measure What Matters

Measure What Matters

If you don’t measure it, you cannot improve – this principle holds good not only for sportspersons, organisations, and governments but for each of us as well. From experience, we know that the goals we have set, whether it be losing weight, achieving a financial...

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