Managing Stress

Managing Stress

To manage our stress, we need to understand why we get stressed. Stress is a state of mind when things play out differently than the way we want...

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Sudden Breakdowns

Sudden Breakdowns

There are times we experience an internal breakdown. It could be for a few hours, a day or a longer period. It comes unannounced even as things seem...

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Managing Stress

Managing Stress

To manage our stress, we need to understand why we get stressed. Stress is a state of mind when things play out differently than the way we want them to. It has its roots in expectations, uncertainty and non-acceptance. In our relationships, when people behave...

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Sudden Breakdowns

Sudden Breakdowns

There are times we experience an internal breakdown. It could be for a few hours, a day or a longer period. It comes unannounced even as things seem to be going well for us. And we find ourselves in a frame of mind where we are unable to cope with things. We must...

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Effectively Managing Pressure

Effectively Managing Pressure

Pressure, as we learnt in school, is the force applied on a unit area. The same force applied on a smaller area exerts more pressure and if the force is across a larger base, the pressure is less. This principle can be very helpful in life. When we are faced with...

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Insistence and Resistance

Insistence and Resistance

Everything happens for a reason . The Universe is not a hostile place but in fact conducive for our growth - inner and outer.Our stress comes from 2 things : Insistence and Resistance.When we insist that the result has to be in a...

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