Hitting A Wall

Hitting A Wall

We seem to be moving along well having got into our stride when suddenly we hit a wall. The mental wall of finding it difficult to move ahead and...

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Sometimes We Are Strong, Sometimes Not

Sometimes We Are Strong, Sometimes Not

We go through life oscillating between feeling strong and sometimes not. When we are feeling strong, we live with confidence that we can take on anything that comes our way, and yet when we find our strength waning, even the things we could easily handle start...

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Winds Of Change

Winds Of Change

Yesterday I watched several flowers fall off a beautiful cherry blossom tree as a strong wind blew across it. Though a beautiful sight, my first thought that it’s sad that flowers fall, was immediately replaced with the thought that some flowers need to fall to make...

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The Last Mile Is The Toughest

The Last Mile Is The Toughest

The enthusiasm of starting something new always inspires us and propels us into action. However, very often we find our energy, enthusiasm, and focus waning as we move ahead, and if we look back, we may well find a string of well-intentioned initiatives that we...

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This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass

Life by nature is cyclical. Good times don’t last forever, tough times will not. Our challenge is we don’t want good times to end and we cannot wait for tough times to end. Understanding the transient nature of life gives us the clarity that we should focus on what we...

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Keep Ploughing

Keep Ploughing

A couple of days ago I had a very interesting chat with a friend whose story is one of the most inspiring ones for me. Almost ten years ago he moved overseas with his entire family, to a country where he did not know the language, starting from near scratch and today...

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Life Is A Long Distance Run

Life Is A Long Distance Run

Life is a long distance run. And as a half marathon runner, there is much I have learnt from my running. Some principles of sports can easily become guiding principles for life. Start slow and finish strong. Expending our energy upfront will get us ahead for a while...

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Hitting A Wall

Hitting A Wall

We seem to be moving along well having got into our stride when suddenly we hit a wall. The mental wall of finding it difficult to move ahead and every step becomes a struggle. Marathoners sometimes face this almost two thirds into the race. Authors get a writer’s...

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