Our Inner Reset

Our Inner Reset

Sometimes disruptions in life slow things down and we learn to take a pause. But after a while we realise life is not just asking us to pause for a...

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One Day At A Time

One Day At A Time

Even though results are not in our control, we must have a plan. The mind needs an inspiring goal to work towards to keep it disciplined and...

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Managing Expectations

Managing Expectations

One of the most challenging aspects of managing relationships is managing expectations. People around us have expectations of us, and often we find ourselves conflicted in the way forward. If we only do what we feel like doing and disregard expectations, we risk...

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The Last Mile Is The Toughest

The Last Mile Is The Toughest

The enthusiasm of starting something new always inspires us and propels us into action. However, very often we find our energy, enthusiasm, and focus waning as we move ahead, and if we look back, we may well find a string of well-intentioned initiatives that we...

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Getting Onto A Weight Loss Program

Getting Onto A Weight Loss Program

Sometimes a heaviness suddenly descends upon us. Routine activities become an effort and we feel like we are carrying a constant weight. We need to get onto a weight loss program to remove everything that comes between us and our happiness. The weight of making a plan...

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Where People Come From

Where People Come From

What we see is not necessarily the entire picture. People we interact with, on the face of it could seem happy, have a nice lifestyle and from the outside, their life could look good. But they may be going through much in their lives which may not look apparent. A...

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Our Inner Reset

Our Inner Reset

Sometimes disruptions in life slow things down and we learn to take a pause. But after a while we realise life is not just asking us to pause for a bit. It is asking us to reset ourselves. Tiding through a pause and picking up from where we left is relatively easy. A...

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Building Strong Institutions

Building Strong Institutions

Institutions survive individuals. They serve society for generations together, playing a vital role in creating value in the lives of people. And we’ve all been part of them – schools, universities, hospitals, companies, social organisations and many more. And in our...

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Constancy And Consistency

Constancy And Consistency

Constancy of Purpose and Consistency of Self Application is  the combination to achieve anything we want. In most cases our excitement and enthusiasm flows from having started something. But soon we settle into the routine of building slowly and steadily. And...

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One Day At A Time

One Day At A Time

Even though results are not in our control, we must have a plan. The mind needs an inspiring goal to work towards to keep it disciplined and channelised. A wandering mind without a purpose is destructive. The mind is our best friend and worst enemy. Patient self...

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