If We Stop Talking, We Stop Walking Together

If We Stop Talking, We Stop Walking Together

As relations grow in age they often change, and what changes is communication. We may well find few people in our life with whom we carry on the relationship but don’t carry the same openness and free flow of conversation. In our minds, we may have good reason for the...

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Watching Our Spending Habits

Watching Our Spending Habits

It is always good to be aware of our spending habits, being careful that we are neither too stingy nor getting carried away. We regularly take stock of what we have spent on and whether it was money well spent. However, money is not the only thing that we are...

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Are We Making Enough Time For Ourselves

Are We Making Enough Time For Ourselves

Our day often feels like a shopping bag, we keep filling up the space and stuffing it with things to do and people to meet, and before we know it, we’ve had a full day, are tired, and it's time to check out. Time seems to pass too quickly and even as we keep ourselves...

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The Different Colours Of Love

The Different Colours Of Love

If we are not living with love, we are not living a full life. Even though we have experienced love - given and received, and have known its true worth and value in our feeling of completeness, we often find ourselves struggling to always find it and live it every...

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Building Trust Is Willing To Let Go Of Control

Building Trust Is Willing To Let Go Of Control

We like to feel in control of things and get a sense that life is manageable. Not knowing, not being in charge, and not being able to influence things not only throws us out of our comfort, but it often creates stress and anxiety. At the same time, we know that we...

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Time To Hit The Reset Button

Time To Hit The Reset Button

Not only do we live in a fast-changing world externally, but there are also changes in us, some of which we are aware of and some that creep in without us realising it. Often what seemed like smooth sailing suddenly becomes uphill, and we find ourselves struggling...

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Those Who Give Happiness To Others, Find It

Those Who Give Happiness To Others, Find It

At the heart of what we do is to be happy. Our deepest desire after survival is to find happiness. We often think of becoming happy and finding joy. Even though they are just words, our inner conversation drives us to look out there to be happy in here. Of course, the...

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