Being Busy Is A Privilege
We often complain that we have too many responsibilities, much work, little time on hand and we are too busy. It can of course be stressful with too many things happening in our lives, but if we reflect on a subtle point, we will realise that being busy is a...
Thought For The Day
Are We Aware That We may Be Virtue Signalling
We may not realise it but often we may be ‘virtue signalling’, a term I was recently introduced to by my son who thought I was doing it during our conversation over dinner. Virtue signalling is saying something with the intent of making oneself look good in the eyes...
Thought For The Day
Bridging The Generation Gap
The next generation is not only growing up in very different circumstances and with different experiences, opportunities, and access, they are also growing up with a mindset that may well be different. In as much as it allows them to shape society with their unique...
Thought For The Day
Sometimes We Are Too Hard On Ourselves
We can never get everything right all the time. There will be times we will make mistakes and bad decisions. Sometimes, things may go horribly wrong in spite of our best judgement. It happens to everyone. We need to learn from our experiences, but also need to be very...
Learning To Flow Like A River
It is always a pleasure to watch a flowing river. There is a certain energy and freshness around it which resonates. If we were to reflect on its beauty, there is much we can imbibe in our own lives. It is the constant flow that keeps the river water fresh. When we...
Thought For The Day
Creating Safe Spaces In Life
In a world of turmoil and conflict, there is a need for creating safe spaces. But the concept of a safe space goes beyond the physical safety of people. We may not realise it, but each one of us has an opportunity of creating safe spaces that can make a difference to...