Why We Get Shaken In Life

Why We Get Shaken In Life

There are times we find ourselves shaken by a situation. We may have heard of, or seen others go through a similar situation, and yet we sometimes find ourselves vulnerable and shaken when we ourselves go through the same. When things are going well, we feel we will...

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The Co-Travellers In Our Life

The Co-Travellers In Our Life

There are times we feel lonely, but on reflection, we will realise that we are never alone. Even though we sometimes feel we are traversing the journey of life by ourselves, there are always co-travellers with us. When we recognise them in our lives, not only does it...

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When People Hurt Us, We Have Three Choices

When People Hurt Us, We Have Three Choices

We receive love from others, but there are also times when people hurt us. It may sometimes happen intentionally, accidentally, or could well be the way we react given our state of mind. The fact remains that we may have been hurt and often that leaves us agitated and...

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Counting Our Wealth

Counting Our Wealth

We regularly evaluate how wealthy we are. Our security and well-being is linked to it, which is understandable as there are bills to pay and needs to meet. But we need to take a step back and differentiate between assessing our affordability and our wealth. Our bank...

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We Can Never Take Anyone For Granted

We Can Never Take Anyone For Granted

Sometimes we are very mindful of the needs of our friends and others, and are willing to go out of our way to do things for them. Yet, often people closest to us get overlooked. Just because they are closest to us, we feel they don’t need our attention and affection,...

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The Pain We Live With

The Pain We Live With

Deep down we carry pain in us that sometimes refuses to go away. It could be due to the loss of a dear one, an experience, a memory, or holding ourselves responsible for the past. It is not that we live with it every day, but time and again it surfaces, especially...

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