How Much Does The Opinion Of Others Matter

How Much Does The Opinion Of Others Matter

We often wonder how much the opinion of others should matter in the way we live our lives.  Living by the expectations of others can put immense pressure on us and make us do things not natural to us, or things we are not comfortable with. On the other hand, just...

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Be The Screen That Supports Many Movies

Be The Screen That Supports Many Movies

Being there for others in their hour of need can mean much to them. Not only is it important for us to assess the best we can do for them, but we also need to be careful and mindful as to what it takes to effectively play that role. If we are not careful, the pain,...

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We Need To Remove The Clutter In Our Life

We Need To Remove The Clutter In Our Life

We have a habit of collecting. Having something we need is fine, but acquiring something we don’t need and refusing to remove unwanted things creates clutter in our life. We may not realise it, but much of our agitation comes because of the clutter in our lives. It...

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Spending Time With Ourselves

Spending Time With Ourselves

There will always be a demand on our time, and feeling pressured is something we start living with as second nature, often without realising it. The lists we make of things we need to do seem endless and limitless. And they will be, given the nature of our lifestyles...

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Applying The Brakes To Move Faster

Applying The Brakes To Move Faster

A very dear friend recently shared an interesting story. A professor asked a class what the purpose of brakes was in a car. The class gave the obvious answer that it helped slow down the car. The professor went on to say something very different – she said brakes...

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