Thought For The Day
Thought For The Day
Why Our Emotions Spin Out Of Control
We sometimes lose our balance and equanimity, the situation catching us unprepared and completely off-guard. When we compose ourselves, which may even take a few days or months, and reflect on what happened and why we reacted the way we did, it will serve us well to...
Thought For The Day
Thought For The Day
The Jugalbandhis In Our Life
It is always a treat watching tabla maestro Ustad Zakir Hussain perform. A couple of days ago the jugalbandhi between the vocals, sitar, drums, keyboard and tabla was a joyful experience. Although performing together for the first time together, the coordination and...
Sometimes A Sense Of Loneliness Sets In
It is not that we are alone, in fact, there are many people with whom we spend our time in life, and yet, sometimes a sense of loneliness sets in. It often makes us wonder why we are feeling that way, especially when so many relationships are in place in our life....
Thought For The Day
We Must Celebrate
Life always seems like a mixed bag; there are things that seem to be going well and things that are on our minds. As the date changes, we often reflect on the year gone by and the things we did and how events played out for us. As we take stock of our lives, it is...
Life Is A Bowl Of Cherries
Life is like a bowl of cherries. Each cherry is a year in our life; in our early years we gobble them and then we soon realise we have eaten more than we have left. Our past probably has more years than our future, and when we realise this, we start tasting each...