Learning To Be Supportive Even When We Disagree
Often we are conflicted between wanting to be supportive of someone we care for and finding ourselves disagreeing with their perspective and position on the issue at hand. We feel that if we support them, then we are compromising our individuality, and if we assert...
If Only We Knew Then What We Know Today
As we look back at events and decisions in our life, we often reflect that if we had known then what we know now, life may have taken a different turn for us. This feeling sometimes leads to regret and anger at ourselves for not having made better choices. This...
Thought For The Day
Story Of The Coloured Shoes
A friend of mine always wears bright coloured sneakers wherever he goes. He has been doing this for over 10 years and shared his story of how it began. He was always fond of wearing coloured sneakers and one day, 10 years ago, he went to a formal event and had...
Thought For The Day
We Cannot Meet Everyone’s Expectations
We carry several relationships in our life, and often, many of them carry expectations of us. It is but natural to have basic expectations of each other, especially with people we are close to. However, if we are not careful, these said and unsaid expectations can...
How Many Memories Are We Giving Ourselves
We spend much of our life collecting things. When we look back at our possessions, we may well find that today we have a lot more than we had a few years ago, and probably a lot more than we may have expected. Nothing wrong with keeping up with the latest technology...
Thought For The Day
The Gaps In Our Life
Often life feels like a constant endeavor to fill the gaps that we perceive and live with. We keep evaluating where we want to be, compared to where we are, whether it be across our health, financials, relationships, professional growth, and even our spiritual...
True Companionship In Our Life
Companionship can be one of the most enriching relationships in life. We know lots of people and have many friends, but we may never have sat back and reflected on who are those few true companions that we have in our life. They are the ones who don’t wait for the...