Our Growth Lies As Much In Receiving As It Does In Giving
We understand the virtue of giving, in fact we feel good about having done something for someone. Yet, when it comes to receiving, we often find...
Thought For The Day
True Friendship Is An Expression Of Love
Friends have a special place in our lives, not only because we enjoy spending time with them, but over the years they have had a major influence on...
Sacrifice Is An Expression Of Love
We often think that to sacrifice is to give up, be disadvantaged, and let go of something in life which we may have wanted. It is true that on the...
You Cannot Think Love, You Have To Feel It
Love is the most beautiful and powerful feeling. Not only does it spring from the depth of our being, but it also changes the way we experience the...
Thought For The Day
Love Expresses Itself In Many Ways
The beauty about love is that it has different dimensions to it and is felt by us in different ways. Even though situations may have been very...
Walking Alongside For 25 Years
One of the best feelings in the world is knowing that you are not alone and that you have someone walking alongside you in life. As I reflect on the...
Why We Love, Respect And Admire Someone
Some people live their lives in a manner that evokes respect and admiration for them. They not only become a source of our inspiration, but over...
Thought For The Day
Our Growth Lies As Much In Receiving As It Does In Giving
We understand the virtue of giving, in fact we feel good about having done something for someone. Yet, when it comes to receiving, we often find ourselves putting up invisible barriers from accepting help. It is not that we don’t value other people’s support, and we...
Thought For The Day
True Friendship Is An Expression Of Love
Friends have a special place in our lives, not only because we enjoy spending time with them, but over the years they have had a major influence on the way we are. We have learned from them, laughed with them, shared unforgettable moments, and even fought with them....
Sacrifice Is An Expression Of Love
We often think that to sacrifice is to give up, be disadvantaged, and let go of something in life which we may have wanted. It is true that on the face of it sacrificing seems like we may be missing out and not having. However, if we take a step back and reflect on...
You Cannot Think Love, You Have To Feel It
Love is the most beautiful and powerful feeling. Not only does it spring from the depth of our being, but it also changes the way we experience the world. We have known love since we were young and feel we understand it. And yet when we reflect on it, we will realise...
Thought For The Day
Love Expresses Itself In Many Ways
The beauty about love is that it has different dimensions to it and is felt by us in different ways. Even though situations may have been very different, the underlying love has remained the same. Reflecting on the different expressions of love will help us understand...
Walking Alongside For 25 Years
One of the best feelings in the world is knowing that you are not alone and that you have someone walking alongside you in life. As I reflect on the journey of togetherness that started on this day 25 years ago, I am humbled by the blessing of deserving a life partner...
Why We Love, Respect And Admire Someone
Some people live their lives in a manner that evokes respect and admiration for them. They not only become a source of our inspiration, but over time we develop a love for them which adds a joyful dimension, knowing that they are part of our life. Not only do we look...
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