Recently a friend shared a very thought-provoking story. The Director asked a business group where the richest land in the world was. Someone said...
Lifting The Fog Of Confusion
It’s easy to live life when we have clarity of thought. Even if things don’t play out the way we expect, at least we know what we want to do. Our...
Shadow Of Doubt
We can clearly see our shadow when the light is behind us. We even play with it sometimes and amuse ourselves. We know how it comes and goes. But...
The Precious Things In Our Life
We take care of our precious belongings. Bank lockers, locked cupboards and safe places are chosen because of the importance of what we have. The...
Early Warning Signs
A radar gives an early warning sign of an aircraft approaching. Similarly, the weather forecast, though not always accurate, prepares us with early...
Constantly Making Comparisons
Making comparisons has become a habit. When we experience anything, after the first thought, we start benchmarking it to something else. A meal in a...
Pleasing Everyone All The Time
We often believe that not having disagreements is having a happy relationship. And we try and please everyone around us. We forget that the strength...
Being Ambitious
Ambition drives us. We work hard and dedicate ourselves to achieving the ambitious goal we have set. Several others may also be chasing the same...
Big And Small
We tend to classify things and events in our life as big and small. We have a habit of giving an internal value to everything and accordingly our...
Highs And Lows Of The Mind
There are times our mind is calm and clear. Life feels good and we feel a sense of happiness and well-being. But soon, we feel agitated within, and...
Don’t Hold Back
Recently a friend shared a very thought-provoking story. The Director asked a business group where the richest land in the world was. Someone said the oil rich Gulf states. Another one mentioned the diamond mines in South Africa. The Director said it was the cemetery....
Lifting The Fog Of Confusion
It’s easy to live life when we have clarity of thought. Even if things don’t play out the way we expect, at least we know what we want to do. Our actions are never held back for want of decisions. But sometimes we find ourselves at a crossroad. Having to make big...
Shadow Of Doubt
We can clearly see our shadow when the light is behind us. We even play with it sometimes and amuse ourselves. We know how it comes and goes. But there is another shadow that enters our mental makeup, veiling the clarity and confidence in us. The shadow of doubt. The...
The Precious Things In Our Life
We take care of our precious belongings. Bank lockers, locked cupboards and safe places are chosen because of the importance of what we have. The more precious something is, the more careful we are in taking care of it. But how often have we taken a step back and...
Early Warning Signs
A radar gives an early warning sign of an aircraft approaching. Similarly, the weather forecast, though not always accurate, prepares us with early guidance. Life too sends us early warning signals which we need to pick up, helping us avoid much pain and sorrow. My...
Constantly Making Comparisons
Making comparisons has become a habit. When we experience anything, after the first thought, we start benchmarking it to something else. A meal in a restaurant gets compared to other restaurants. On a holiday we compare the current experience to past experiences. We...
Pleasing Everyone All The Time
We often believe that not having disagreements is having a happy relationship. And we try and please everyone around us. We forget that the strength of a relation lies not in avoiding disagreements, but managing conflicts and diverse viewpoints with ease. If our...
Being Ambitious
Ambition drives us. We work hard and dedicate ourselves to achieving the ambitious goal we have set. Several others may also be chasing the same goal with a burning ambition. There may be just one or two who reach the goal and in spite of best efforts we may feel we...
Big And Small
We tend to classify things and events in our life as big and small. We have a habit of giving an internal value to everything and accordingly our attention and time. And without realising it, we do the same with people and relationships. When we learn to invert our...
Highs And Lows Of The Mind
There are times our mind is calm and clear. Life feels good and we feel a sense of happiness and well-being. But soon, we feel agitated within, and even though things have not changed, life doesn’t seem as good. We go through these high and low phases periodically...
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