Tongue In Check

Tongue In Check

Most of our troubles comes from two things. What we say and what we eat. Our choice of tone, words and appropriateness of occasion makes all the...

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Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter is the best medicine

We take ourselves too seriously in life. Our sense of self importance stems from our ego. We forget that Joy is our true nature. I have realised...

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When We Lose Our Smile, We Lose A Lot

When We Lose Our Smile, We Lose A Lot

As simple as it seems, our smile reflects much more than we may have realised, making it one of the most precious things in our life. If we are not careful, we may become materially richer but not necessarily wealthier because despite all that we have, if we lose our...

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Tongue In Check

Tongue In Check

Most of our troubles comes from two things. What we say and what we eat. Our choice of tone, words and appropriateness of occasion makes all the difference. How often we have said something to immediately realise it should have been said differently or not said at...

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Laughter is the best medicine

Laughter is the best medicine

We take ourselves too seriously in life. Our sense of self importance stems from our ego. We forget that Joy is our true nature. I have realised that one of the strongest traits one can cultivate is Humour. Humour lightens the air even in the midst of very “serious”...

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