Finding Contentment

Finding Contentment

Contentment is a state of being. A sense of inner happiness and satisfaction, with ourselves and our lives. It is not about having more but feeling...

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There’s much to be grateful for. In spite of all our problems and challenges, if we look around, we realise there’s much in place.  Our sense...

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3 words that came to mind during my morning reflection:Gratitude, Humility, Response-ability. Very grateful for having the means to go through this...

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The Power Of ‘I Don’t Know’

The Power Of ‘I Don’t Know’

When we do not know something, are at a loss when asked to decide, or when with others we are not as well informed or knowledgeable, we sometimes feel inadequate. Often, we try and cover up, wanting others to carry a good impression of us. We often forget that three...

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Stop Focussing On What We Don’t Have

Stop Focussing On What We Don’t Have

There is much we have, and yet the mind loves dwelling on all the things we don’t have in life. We start becoming so aware of what is lacking, that we not only stop appreciating, but sometimes even forget all that is in place in our lives. Before we know it, life...

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Power Of Prayer

Power Of Prayer

Prayer is very powerful. We turn to prayer in need, to give thanks and seek blessings. And prayer helps us cope. Reflecting on why prayer is powerful can help us understand ourselves better. We pray to a Higher. And whatever be That for us, we connect through our...

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Finding Contentment

Finding Contentment

Contentment is a state of being. A sense of inner happiness and satisfaction, with ourselves and our lives. It is not about having more but feeling a sense of satisfaction with what we have. This often begs the questions - 'Doesn't being content mean we are no longer...

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There’s much to be grateful for. In spite of all our problems and challenges, if we look around, we realise there’s much in place.  Our sense of gratitude comes from awareness. The realisation that there are millions with severe challenges and our own situation...

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3 words that came to mind during my morning reflection:Gratitude, Humility, Response-ability. Very grateful for having the means to go through this even as millions face severe hardship. Humbled by the events and once again brought to my conscious awareness how little...

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