Meeting Letlapa

Meeting Letlapa

I first met Letlapa and Ginn Fourie in 2012 at the international IofC dialogue – Making Democracy Real. I once again met Letlapa a few days ago in...

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Healing our Hurts

Healing our Hurts

Even as we grow internally and move ahead in life, often we find our rhythm getting broken. We find ourselves getting stuck, feeling emotionally...

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Emotionally we need closure. Strained relationships, broken friendships, pressured partnerships bother us even when we feel we were not in the...

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Meeting Letlapa

Meeting Letlapa

I first met Letlapa and Ginn Fourie in 2012 at the international IofC dialogue – Making Democracy Real. I once again met Letlapa a few days ago in Panchgani at an international IofC event. Hearing him share their true story once again stirred me. In 1993 Lyndi Fourie...

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Sometimes We Are Too Hard On Ourselves

Sometimes We Are Too Hard On Ourselves

We can never get everything right all the time. There will be times we will make mistakes and bad decisions. Sometimes, things may go horribly wrong in spite of our best judgement. It happens to everyone. We need to learn from our experiences, but also need to be very...

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It Is Never Too Late

It Is Never Too Late

As times passes by, we sometimes feel we have lost the opportunity of doing something we wanted to. We resign to the fact that it’s too late to think of doing something. Our biggest mistake could well be limiting ourselves, because as life teaches us, it is never too...

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Life Is Too Short To Hold On To A Grudge

Life Is Too Short To Hold On To A Grudge

There are people who may have hurt us. Their attitude and behaviour may have given us legitimate cause to get angry and upset. We may have said to ourselves that we have moved on and forgiven them, but sometimes deep down we carry not just the memory, but we also...

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Shedding The Load We Carry

Shedding The Load We Carry

We carry a load that seems manageable, but after a while, we find it is becoming too much for us. It is not just the load, but the length of time for which we carry it that makes it a problem. It is the same with anything that is on our mind. If we carry it for too...

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Healing our Hurts

Healing our Hurts

Even as we grow internally and move ahead in life, often we find our rhythm getting broken. We find ourselves getting stuck, feeling emotionally tired and moving ahead becomes a struggle. This usually happens when we haven’t healed our hurts of the past. Some...

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Emotionally we need closure. Strained relationships, broken friendships, pressured partnerships bother us even when we feel we were not in the wrong. The need for restitution and resolution lingers deep within. It’s not that our life is otherwise not happy. It’s not...

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