Moving From ‘Why Me?’ To ‘Now What?’

Moving From ‘Why Me?’ To ‘Now What?’

The journey of life is a journey of experiences. Each experience comes for a purpose and has its own time frame – nothing lasts forever. We find it easy to go through happy experiences, however, when the going gets tough we often find ourselves unable to cope with the...

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It Is Never Too Late To Start Believing In Ourselves

It Is Never Too Late To Start Believing In Ourselves

Very often we get held back, not because life stops us, but at some level, we stop believing we can do certain things and we hold ourselves back. Talent, resources and opportunities are like petrol, engine and wheels – inert until they are ignited. It will serve us...

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Very Often We Start By Saying No

Very Often We Start By Saying No

If we were to look back on why we may have lost out, got into arguments, or sometimes strained relationships, we may well discover a pattern which either we may be unaware of, or in denial about. It is a pattern, which if unchecked becomes a default reaction and...

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If Only We Knew Then What We Know Today

If Only We Knew Then What We Know Today

As we look back at events and decisions in our life, we often reflect that if we had known then what we know now, life may have taken a different turn for us. This feeling sometimes leads to regret and anger at ourselves for not having made better choices. This...

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The Ball Of Life Bounces Back At Us

The Ball Of Life Bounces Back At Us

Every thought, word, and action is an expression of energy we send out into the universe. We know what we send out but are not always sure of what the consequences will be. When things go well, we map it back to good things we may have done, but when we face...

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