Likes and Dislikes

Likes and Dislikes

We gravitate towards our likes and move away from our dislikes. On the face of it, it seems like the natural thing to do. And yet there is a deeper...

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In every change there is a changeless.  The river flows over the unchanging river bed. The wheel moves around its own centre. We have to anchor...

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Being Secure

Being Secure

A tree is secured by its roots even as it grows its branches and fruits. Even as we enjoy its majesty and beauty, we are conscious that it’s...

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Rise and Fall

Rise and Fall

Different people respond differently in the same situation. Very often we marvel at the ability of some to not only overcome challenges but come out...

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Balance in Life

Balance in Life

A balanced life is a well lived life. The five main aspects of our  life are Family, Work, Relationships, Community outreach and Personal...

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Likes and Dislikes

Likes and Dislikes

We gravitate towards our likes and move away from our dislikes. On the face of it, it seems like the natural thing to do. And yet there is a deeper impact of this oscillation in our minds. The same object is liked by some and disliked by others. Clearly it is not the...

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Effectively Managing Pressure

Effectively Managing Pressure

Pressure, as we learnt in school, is the force applied on a unit area. The same force applied on a smaller area exerts more pressure and if the force is across a larger base, the pressure is less. This principle can be very helpful in life. When we are faced with...

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In every change there is a changeless.  The river flows over the unchanging river bed. The wheel moves around its own centre. We have to anchor to a changeless within to manage the huge outer change. And this centre has to itself be unshakable. Very often our...

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Being Secure

Being Secure

A tree is secured by its roots even as it grows its branches and fruits. Even as we enjoy its majesty and beauty, we are conscious that it’s strength comes from the unseen roots. But we easily forget that fact  in our own relationships with others and even with...

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Rise and Fall

Rise and Fall

Different people respond differently in the same situation. Very often we marvel at the ability of some to not only overcome challenges but come out stronger, happier and more compassionate even after having gone through much in life. We may not have invited a...

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Balance in Life

Balance in Life

A balanced life is a well lived life. The five main aspects of our  life are Family, Work, Relationships, Community outreach and Personal development. These five buckets have a very interesting way of functioning. Each bucket needs to be nourished. Well filled...

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