How Do We Count Our Wealth

How Do We Count Our Wealth

We often count how rich we are to know the state of our well-being. Our money gives us a sense of security in a fast-changing and uncertain world....

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Start, Stop, Continue

Start, Stop, Continue

We constantly strive for a better quality life, and this seems like it is always work in progress. It is true because as the world around us changes, we need to keep changing to be able to adapt and respond adequately. Herein sometimes lies our struggle; we make our...

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We Measure Our Inside By Other People’s Outside

We Measure Our Inside By Other People’s Outside

I recently attended a talk by Dr.Robert Waldinger, professor at Harvard Medical School, who spoke on the Circle of Happiness. In his talk he made a very interesting observation, a thought that stayed with me – ‘we measure our inside by other people’s outside.’ It is...

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There Is Always Another Side To It

There Is Always Another Side To It

We often see one side of an issue, the one we want to see. Our loyalty, conditioning, and perspective make us believe that the way we are seeing things is the right way, and probably the only right way. It is not that we may be incorrect in the way we view things, but...

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How Do We Count Our Wealth

How Do We Count Our Wealth

We often count how rich we are to know the state of our well-being. Our money gives us a sense of security in a fast-changing and uncertain world. The practical application of money not only takes care of our immediate needs but also gives us the freedom and courage...

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Dealing With Our Dark Side

Dealing With Our Dark Side

There is a part of us that the world knows and we too know. There are other aspects others can see that we may be blind to. And then there is a side to us which deep in our heart only we know and others cannot see, our dark side. This is a side of us that we are...

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Making An Appointment With Ourselves

Making An Appointment With Ourselves

We always seem to be running against time. Trying to pack everything in a day often gets difficult, especially with so many people and events vying for our attention. When we periodically review our life, we often feel good about all that we have achieved and all the...

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Sometimes We Are Strong, Sometimes Not

Sometimes We Are Strong, Sometimes Not

We go through life oscillating between feeling strong and sometimes not. When we are feeling strong, we live with confidence that we can take on anything that comes our way, and yet when we find our strength waning, even the things we could easily handle start...

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