Learning To Embrace Change

Learning To Embrace Change

Life is all about change, we know that nothing remains the same forever. Not all change is bad and not all change is always desirable. Change is...

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Watching Our Spending Habits

Watching Our Spending Habits

It is always good to be aware of our spending habits, being careful that we are neither too stingy nor getting carried away. We regularly take stock of what we have spent on and whether it was money well spent. However, money is not the only thing that we are...

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Are We Making Enough Time For Ourselves

Are We Making Enough Time For Ourselves

Our day often feels like a shopping bag, we keep filling up the space and stuffing it with things to do and people to meet, and before we know it, we’ve had a full day, are tired, and it's time to check out. Time seems to pass too quickly and even as we keep ourselves...

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Time To Hit The Reset Button

Time To Hit The Reset Button

Not only do we live in a fast-changing world externally, but there are also changes in us, some of which we are aware of and some that creep in without us realising it. Often what seemed like smooth sailing suddenly becomes uphill, and we find ourselves struggling...

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Learning To Embrace Change

Learning To Embrace Change

Life is all about change, we know that nothing remains the same forever. Not all change is bad and not all change is always desirable. Change is just change, the way life works. We have seen it, experienced it, and yet we often struggle. The issue is not the change...

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If The Direction Is Right, Don’t Stress The Speed

If The Direction Is Right, Don’t Stress The Speed

We all have goals we set for ourselves and often while working hard towards achieving them, we find ourselves racing against time. When we look back on events and outcomes in our life, we will realise that some things happened well before we expected and some things...

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Are We Trapped In Our Own Self-Image

Are We Trapped In Our Own Self-Image

Sometimes the way we are viewed and perceived by others matters so much to us that we slowly start losing our authenticity and start living for validation. On reflecting, we may realise that in living up to the expectations of others and protecting our self-image, we...

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Moving From ‘Why Me?’ To ‘Now What?’

Moving From ‘Why Me?’ To ‘Now What?’

The journey of life is a journey of experiences. Each experience comes for a purpose and has its own time frame – nothing lasts forever. We find it easy to go through happy experiences, however, when the going gets tough we often find ourselves unable to cope with the...

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