Excellence is our birthright. It is not the privilege of a few whom we admire for their work. It’s just that they’ve harnessed their potential in a manner we haven’t.
Excellence lies in our actions. It gives our work a glow which sometimes surprise us as well, leaving us inspired. It leaves us with a joy and contentment knowing that we brought out the best from within.
Excellence comes from awareness. Being aware of our infinite capabilities as also being aware of being fully in the present.
It comes from Love for life that every action and every moment is an opportunity to express the best in us.
It comes from discipline and patient self application. Setting standards we’re capable of and being true to them. No shirt gets ironed leaving a crease, no meal cooked forgetting an ingredient, no transaction done without diligence, no Board Meeting attended without preparation, no policy rolled out without perfect execution.
It comes from focus and attention to details. It’s the eye and commitment to detailing that differentiates us, moving from doing an acceptable job to an excellent job.
It comes from dropping our ego. Being open and having the humility of learning from others, no matter how good we are.
It comes from fearlessness. Our ability and willingness to trust ourselves and not let doubt get in the way. We really transcend boundaries when we take a leap of faith in our endeavours.
Sometimes we confuse excellence with winning. It’s very possible we do our best, display excellence and yet not achieve our goal. Our understanding that we control our actions but results may turn out differently due to circumstances outside our control, helps keep us on our path.
We were not born for mediocrity. The quality of our life is not what we do, but what we do with excellence.
Superbly expressed Vivek 👍
Great reflection, Vivek
Excellence is a continuous inner and outer journey
And let’s not confuse the striving for excellence with the lust for perfection!
The ‘I want to be perfect’ syndrome can destroy our lives and the lives of our near and dear ones!
Yes, a very powerful distinction between excellence and perfection. Thanks for that Zarin !
Superb thoughts on excellence,
I feel that without knowing what’s excellent how will we know we are not yet there ,not yet there Could mean mediocre but to accept it,as in your thoughts that will prompt us to excel.
Great way to charge up my day vivek black coffee and VA
Dear Vivek , just curious how different is creativity from excellence..while you talk of excellence needs our focus and more. creativity on the other sometimes flows without that focus or detail… though both need tapping into our inner self .
Thank you for helping us look within.
You are right Deepak, both tap into our inner Self. When the Source is one, it manifests differently in different type of activities – excellence in action, creativity in developing ideas or doing things, Love in caring for someone. Important thing is awareness and connectedness when doing everything.
Enjoying every bit of these expressed thoughts!! Keep them rolling Vivek!!
Dear Vivek. Excellence is in the articles you share with us every day as well as in the photo. Thanks karin
Giving everything we do our 100% is what will help us achieve excellence and in doing so, we gain 3 things. When we give our 100% to the things we HAVE to do (and which we normally procrastinate and drag our feet on), we gain more time to do the things we WANT to do. Secondly, when we give our 100% to something, we can influence loads of people around us. That is why millions of people watching an India-Pakistan cricket match or a Real Madrid vs Barcelona football match get so involved in it, because it’s a big important match and those 22 players on the field are giving it their 100%. And lastly, but most importantly, when we give what we do our 100%, we can live a regret-free life because if we do not get the results we were aiming for after giving something our very best shot, we can be more equanimous about it and not have any regrets about the outcome. This was one of the lessons yesterday in the online Art of Living course that I am presently doing! It corroborates everything you have said about excellence! 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
And how about excellence within the framework – indeed the chemistry – of a high performing team? Having experienced this only once, I found it like discovering a really powerful muscle you never knew existed, but it exists in combination where weaknesses in some are overshadowed by strengths in others and those accommodations deliver a mighty punch! For me, within this experience lay a profound truth: such excellence ONLY works when you trust the team completely.
Vivek, many thanks for sharing with me , your deep knowledge on how I should be living every day to make me a happier and better person .
‘’ The secret of joy in work is contained in one word—- Excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it’’
Pearl S Buck,
Superb love yeh metaphor used connects instantly!