Being Secure

May 12, 2020 | balance, relationship | 16 comments

A tree is secured by its roots even as it grows its branches and fruits. Even as we enjoy its majesty and beauty, we are conscious that it’s strength comes from the unseen roots.

But we easily forget that fact  in our own relationships with others and even with ourselves. 

Often the world acknowledges, appreciates and applauds us for what they see. And slowly we get conditioned with this. We too start evaluating ourselves by how the world sees us, shifting our seat of security from within to the opinion and approval of others. And we hurt when we stop getting people’s approval and start feeling insecure.

And if our security is based in money, we are okay till we have it but completely lost when we lose it. Of course money is important. We just need to be mindful that our security is not anchored in it.

It is when we are rooted within, can we firmly stand unshakable in adversity and with humility in success. We live effortlessly managing our various relationships without losing our individuality. It is when we respect ourselves for what we believe and stand for, will the world respect us. We must learn from the opinion of others but not lean on them for our self worth.

But this needs practice. The daily discipline of reading, reflection and review. Sitting back at the end of the day, watching not just what we did but how we reacted and what were our true motives. Being absolutely honest with ourselves in our unseen world of thoughts and reflection. And being dedicated and committed to not just gaining outer success, which is important, but also strengthening ourselves and drawing our security from within. For we are that beauty and infinite potentiality within.

Tagore beautifully said – ‘Ekla Chalo’. And when we are able to truly live our life by our conviction, finding the courage to walk alone if needed, we know we are truly secure.

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  1. So true ! Humility comes only
    When you keep remembering Your roots .

  2. Reach for the skies,but have your feet firmly planted on the ground

  3. Super vivek
    This one always makes me smile
    As I keep asking for opinions for dear people and when they see I did not heed their advice they give me that look and I smile “ now what to do yaar”
    Keep it coming bud!

    • Very well Said Vivek . Truly very happy to see you on this beautiful journey.

      • Dear vivek. I would like to congratulate to your daily postings. I really enjoy them. Todays one is again so powerful. Everything we have or get from the outside we just need to appreciate it. Not identify ourselves with it. It can be gone tomorrow. Everything withhin is precious because it stays. Thank you so much. Karin

        • Thanks for this perspective Karin, glad you are enjoying the reflections…

  4. So True …Humility is all important !

  5. Nicely put. Appreciate it.

  6. Humility in success is so rare. Thanks V. God bless and much love to you all specially your folks. Xx

  7. Keep searching within , that’s the secret of life ….
    beautifully written vivek , thank u

  8. So well said !!🎯

  9. Very nice!

  10. Beautifully written.
    Thank you for sharing

  11. Khoob bhalo!

  12. Have the roots as well as the wings to fly.

    • The combination of Roots and Wings…beautiful….something to reflect on


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