Dare To Think Big

Mar 24, 2021 | awareness | 2 comments

We were not born for mediocrity. Even we do not know what we are capable of. Our sense of capacity comes more from understanding our limitations rather than our potential. The fact is, that our limitations are known to us, whereas our potential is in the realm of the unknown. If we understood the nature and extent of our true potential, we would break the boundaries of our mind.

Why don’t we dare to think big? It’s not that others have not achieved or built what was once considered near impossible. And yet, when we engage in the opportunities we are presented, we often settle for less than optimum. We need to believe in ourselves more.

Why do we focus so much on our limitations? It is of course necessary, to be honest, and work on ourselves. But if our thinking is restricted with what we cannot do, as opposed to what is possible, we end up getting victimised by our own limitations. We need to understand ourselves better.

Why don’t we allow ourselves to be led? Often the way ahead may not be clear, and yet we get a strong inner sense of walking the path. In spite of feeling it strongly, we hesitate to take the leap of faith, till we are sure of our own limited thinking. We need to trust our intuition more.

Why do we allow our past to influence our future? We must learn from our past no doubt, but not get held back by it. Just because things did not play out earlier, does not mean they won’t in the future. We need to unshackle the weight of the past.

Why do we stop experiencing the thrills of life? When we are struggling, we give our best to get out of a situation and reach a level of safety and comfort. The challenge starts when we start holding back our adventurous spirit and holding on to the newfound happy steady-state in life. We don’t realise it, but we are depriving ourselves of the thrills and experiences life has to offer. We need to worry less and live more.

When we align ourselves to the laws of life and truly allow things to happen, not from us, but through us, we unleash the possibilities which even we could not have imagined. It is then we realise that when we dare to confront and control our limited ego, we find the courage and vision to dare to think big.

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  1. Thank you Vivek , you write beautifully, and with conviction. You are asking us to go head and have confidence in self
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  2. Well said Vivek, and thanks for reminding us of the immense potential we all have. It is true that we are often too aware of our limitations and forget to look at the world of possibilities


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