Life Is A Series Of Experiences

Jan 5, 2021 | awareness | 0 comments

We have this notion that our life will be perfect when we have no problems to face and nothing that worries us. It is this very notion that keeps us away from the very happiness we seek.

Sub-consciously we have classified life into two categories; periods of troubles and worries, and periods of calm and joy. During challenging times, we are anxious to get out of our situation, and during good times, we are anxious not to lose what we have. In this duality in the mind, we forget the fundamental principle – life is just a series of experiences.

Each experience has a beginning and an end and comes for a purpose for us to learn and grow. The way we respond to an experience determines the nature and quality of our future experiences.

In school, we were given maths ‘problems’ to solve to help us become better at the subject. When our concepts were strong, we enjoyed solving them. It is the same in life. Problems are but experiences giving us an opportunity to develop our resilience, character and conviction. We will only benefit when we ‘re-view’ a problem, not with anguish but as an opportunity.

We are equally tested in calm and prosperous times. The experience of having much and doing well in life gives us an opportunity to develop our humility, gratitude and generosity. We will only benefit when we ‘re-view’ prosperity, not with arrogance but as an opportunity.

We have no control over what life will throw at us. However, we can control the way we receive it, respond to it and rise above it. When we centre ourselves in the infinite capacity we have within and immerse ourselves in the experience, living fully in the moment, every experience is a stepping stone to discovering the Joy we truly seek.

(Picture – Off the coast of Crail, Scotland)

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