We carry an amazing power which we sometimes don’t realise – the ability to influence people.
We often think that it’s only leaders and popular personalities who can be strong influencers. But interestingly, if we think about the way we are, in our habits and way of thinking, we have been influenced more by family, friends, colleagues, and people we have interacted with than anyone else. And the converse is as true.
And suddenly this makes life interesting and responsible. Interesting because we have it in us to try and shape things in a manner we feel right. It gives us a chance to make that microscopic difference, which can avalanche into something. And responsible because whether we realise it or not, we are an influence in people’s lives.
What we say matters. Others pick up our thoughts, reflect on them and may make them their own.
What we do matters. Our children learn more from what we do rather than what we say. They watch us much more than they hear us.
The way we live matters. Someone could be learning from us or even inspired by some of our life choices. It is said – ‘Be careful the way you live your life, you may be the only book someone reads.’ For us it could have been a teacher in school, a movie that impacted us, our closest friends, a family member with distinct habits, a colleague at work, or a book or poem we’ve read. And now thanks to social media, strangers could become influencers in our life!
In as much as there can be strong positive influences, there could well be negative influences in our life if we are not careful. And we can only be careful if we care to think for ourselves before believing and accepting anything. When, with an intellect armed with discrimination and dispassion, we evaluate what comes our way, we will protect ourselves.
We love people close to us but sometimes we work hard to change them. For the right reasons in our minds. But we don’t succeed. Because we have forgotten the simple rule of life. You can influence people, but the only person you can truly change is yourself.
(Picture-Bright flowers in Castellina in Chianti, Italy)