Sometimes we hurt easily. Not that we’re overly sentimental or weak. People tend to hurt us. People close to us tend to hurt us the most. Some of us display our hurts and many carry it silently.
We are hurt when we feel let down. We carry expectations from those in our lives that we will get their unconditional support. But many times they differ in their viewpoint but our hurt remains.
When we are questioned and specially challenged in front of others, our ego is hurt. Not that the counter viewpoint is wrong, it’s just that our own self image is affected in our minds.
Sometimes just the way something is said hurts us. Not what was said but how it was said.
Or when something was not done. And when we’re told “you need to just ask and I’ll do it”, it hurts that we need to ask and it doesn’t come naturally.
On reflecting I realised that sub consciously our deep love and affection for others carries expectations. And even though we can see the other person means no ill of us, we hurt because of our expectations and ego.
We must remove expectations from our love. That is true unconditional love – given and received. To accept the other for themselves and not the way we expect, is the deepest form of unconditional love.
Sometimes we may hurt someone unknowingly. But if we truly care, we will get a sense. And if we truly care, we will reach out. And if we haven’t reached out as yet, we need to.
Our fragile ego gets hurt easily. But let our ego not stop us from healing the hurts we may have caused.