Our mind and our intellect need to work as a team. The seat of emotions and our power of discrimination. They are like two wheels of a motorcycle. If one is weak, the vehicle is weak.
Our intellect is sharp. When we don’t know something, we can gain the knowledge from the internet, books or someone else. Developing our intellect is a function of learning externally.
But the emotional knots in our mind, need to be dealt with internally. And these knots block the flow of our energy and happiness. Opening our emotional knots opens up a new life for ourselves.
Knowing the knots we live with is the first step. When we put pen to paper and start listing our emotional knots, we will be surprised how many start coming to our awareness. When we create the honest space of silence, we allow the deepest and ugliest knots show their face.
We need to then ask the question ‘Why’ at two levels. Why does this knot exist. This will help us go to the root and trigger of our emotion. Knowing the cause, helps deal with the effect. And the second question, which may sound surprising, is to ask ourselves – Why am I holding on to it. If we haven’t dealt with the emotion and still hold on, there must be some benefit we derive from it.
And we need to clearly decide specific next steps to start opening up the easier knots one at a time. The small victories not only give us the clarity and confidence but the release of pent up emotional energy unleashes its joy on us from which we don’t want to ever turn away.
Holding on too tight and living with these knots is like staying in a room with all windows shut while it’s bright and sunny outside. And sometimes we get so used to the darkness, or fear opening the window that we justify our internal closed windows. But we are just feeding our sense of self-importance.
Seeking an apology, making amends, taking the first step, forgiving someone, letting go of a fear or regret and dropping our false pride are knots we must open. This needs us to take a step back and view life differently. Instead of putting ourselves at the centre of our emotions, we centre ourselves in the courage and commitment needed for us to change. It’s a process of internal discovery.
And when we find ourselves smiling, humming a tune, feeling happy and energetic, and just feel like going out and helping others, we will have discovered the reason. We have opened up another Emotional Knot.
Excellent, Vivek.