We live our lives to Enjoy it. And we must. The world was not created for our sorrow. It doesn’t mean that we won’t face challenges and difficulties. That’s part of life. But lived correctly, this journey of life can be an enjoyable one.
We choose to do those things that give us happiness and pleasure, a sense of enjoyment. After a while the same object or activity stops giving us the same fulfillment and we move on to the next. The first time we watch a well made movie or read a good book, we get an experience which is not the same the second or third time around. Knowing this, we move from one things to another, getting happiness no doubt but quickly feeling the need for finding the next.
And without realising it, not only do we do this with objects and activities, but relationships as well. Because at some level our mind gets conditioned to moving on when the fun goes away.
And when we review our life, we find there have moments and periods of enjoyment, moments of unhappiness and we accept life will have its ups and down, its highs and lows. But the sustained feeling of well-being and always living in that sense of enjoyment and the high of life, eludes us.
Is it that sustained enjoyment is a myth and an unreal mirage we are chasing. It may seem so, but no. The answer lies in a clear understanding of enjoyment.
Enjoyment is a state of mind, not a state of things and events. And the two are independent of each other. Once we realise this, we gain an inner Independence. And we start focussing elsewhere for our unbroken stream of fulfillment.
It reminds me of the story of the person looking for his lost coin under a street lamp. A passerby offers to help and after a while, asks him where did he drop his coin. The man replies he dropped it inside his house. The perplexed passerby asks him why was he looking outside rather inside in his home. The man replied – there is more light here !
If we have lost the inner connect with our source of Joy within, and keep looking out in the enchanting world to find it, our plight will be no different.
But once we tap into that Joy within, operating from it, in and with all our interactions with the world, we start enjoying every big and small thing with an intensity unknown to us. And challenges are met as experiences, not calamities. And it dawns on us that there is only one way to always Enjoy life. To always be In-Joy.
Beautifully explained!
I love your turn of phrases Vivek, like being In Joy today, and In Security the other day. These words and their meaningfulness become talismans or mantras for me to steady and uplift me during life’s daily buffeting, however few and small they are in our fortunate lives. Thank you!
I truly ‘enjoy ‘your emails daily.
Like sunshine on a wet rainy day!
In joy,
Glad you are enjoying the reflections, Mukesh !
True! So much discovery as we take our journey inward!
Very nice