The way we Connect with people and things determines our perception and experiences in the world. Our world view is thus shaped by our inner filters. If we want a better life for ourselves and are seeking change, much of the answer lies in changing the way we connect.
We generally connect with people and objects to derive happiness or help overcome a situation that leads to making us happy. The motivation of our connections is wanting happiness. This relationship is not sustainable. The world is transient and something that gave us happiness at one point in time can at another point become the cause of our sorrow.
Armed with this knowledge, if we view each interaction as an experience and connect with equanimity, we don’t transfer the power of our happiness to the transient world. And in that equanimity, we grow. Our connections don’t bind us, they develop us.
We develop an attitude of giving rather than wanting. We connect with a view of what we can give, rather than what we can get. Because we realise that giving releases our joy and wanting increases our anxiety. We start connecting to give. Empathy and compassion replace desire and anger.
But we can only give effectively when we ourselves are connected to the Higher in us. This is the only connection in life that matters. All connections flow from this. And even as we live our daily lives working, earning, acquiring and enjoying, we are connected within to knowledge, gratitude and joy.
And we realise the simple truth. Life is not about collecting, it is all about Connecting.
Superb connection between connecting and quality of our life.