
May 18, 2020 | awareness, growing | 10 comments

We tap into a fraction of our true potential. Our performance no matter how good, can be exponentially better. Not because we haven’t worked hard and tried our best. It’s because sub consciously we have interferences that limit our ability to live to our true capacity.

Our past can be an interference. A bad experience or memory stays with us and deprives us the freedom of thought and expression. And we get stuck.

Fear colours our thinking and interferes with our decision making. Sometimes when we use our judgement we may not realise that we may be deciding out of fear.

Overconfidence can be a severe limitation. It stops our growth because we close ourselves to learning and contrary opinions.

Attachments hold us back. We can only grab the higher when we drop the lower. We may not realise it, but our comfort zone could be inhibiting our progress.

The thought – “I can’t do it” is our failing. We wrongly believe that we can’t. It doesn’t mean we should enter into every endeavour. It just means that when something is part of our plan, the sheer size and complexity should not overawe us shaking our confidence.

“My life is a struggle” is an attitude which pulls us down mentally. It may seem some of us face challenges more than others. But the truth is, we all have situations in our life conducive for our growth. Tapping into our potential is mutually exclusive of our situation. But we erroneously link the two.

We must find time, preferably today, to list our interferences and reflect why they took root in us in the first place. We must be convinced that they need not be a permanent part of our life. We must feel the excitement that if we drop them, there’s a potentiality waiting to be explored. 

Just because the mirror doesn’t reflect the bright light, doesn’t mean the light doesn’t exist. It just means the surface needs to be cleaned.

The light within is far too powerful, waiting to express itself. We just need to dust off our interferences. 

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  1. really Nice !

    • Really appreciate your posts.Good start to my day.Thank you!

      • Thanks Vivek. Your observations really hit home ! Great to start off the day with 🙂

  2. “My life is a struggle” is something most people feel -some more often than others. That in itself is not bad. The attitude to the ‘struggle’ is what matters. If I have the confidence that I will be given the strength and all it takes to come out on top, then struggles help you learn and grow. The real challenge is to take on something so big that you can’t handle, yet you don’t give up. Then you will naturally build a team to work with adn your faith will see that you will find what it takes to win. This has been my experience in the past. Of course whether you win or not depends on many factors and truly it is not all in your hands. Diligently working to win is.

  3. Dear Vivek,
    Your thoughts constantly energize . Thank you.

  4. Sharing this with the girls.

  5. I feel the need for our actions to get acknowledged and appreciate is one of the biggest interference. If we start doing what we want to do for the sheer joy of it…it does help in bringing forth our best.

    • External validation is sometimes a big part of our life. You are right Anjali, when we focus on that, we compromise our true potential.


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