There are many things about our life we want to change. We have often tried but landed up with half-hearted attempts and partial success. Over time we wonder why we cannot bring about the changes we know we want, we are capable of making and yet are not making significant progress. We may well be missing out on a simple yet powerful fact – life changes when we truly decide we want to change.
The difference lies in making change a determined purpose rather than an intellectual understanding with half-hearted attempts. Our ability to overcome challenges and keep ourselves on track comes from a deep-seated desire and conviction that drives us single pointedly. When we change from dilly-dallying to being determined, life changes.
Our past should teach us but not enslave us. When we understand that like a river we need to be ever flowing, charting new paths and exploring new terrains, we invoke the spirit of dynamism in ourselves. When we realise that stagnant water can become unhealthy, we ignite enthusiasm to keep moving. When we change from holding onto the past to exploring a better future, life changes.
Relationships go through their phases and often pull us down when things get strained. Over time affection gets compromised at the hands of ego, and before we know it one thing adds to another. No matter what else is in place, when key relationships are strained, life does not feel as good. When we change from focussing on the differences to rekindling the love we know we are capable of, life changes.
There will always be many around us progressing faster than us, doing better than us, and seemingly happier than us. The choice is in our hands – we can either keep comparing our life to those around us, or we can find our inner security and contentment. When we change from constantly comparing, to living with gratitude and giving our best, knowing things work out in their own time, life changes.
Wanting change does not bring about change, working for it does. Life gives us the learnings and opportunities, the decision to take them is ours. Life will not change just because we want it to, it will change when we truly decide we want to change.
(Picture – Entopia by Penang Butterfly Farm)