To Find Ourselves We Have To Lose Ourselves

Aug 18, 2024 | awareness, growing | 0 comments

Self-importance can become a big silent factor for us. Even though we may outwardly maintain a certain demeanour, our internal makeup often gets disturbed. It remains so for days and sometimes months when we feel offended, hurt, or criticized. The phases of feeling secure and then suddenly fragile leaves us longing for a sense of lasting peace which we want to find but don’t know how to. But we can only find ourselves, when we lose ourselves.

Our ego is like a glass ball that we live in. Sometimes too delicate such that the smallest thing said can shatter our peace, or sometimes too hardened that nothing comes through becase we don’t see beyond ourselves. When we lose our ego, we find the inner freedom that our security does not come from the opinion of others, but from our own integrity.

Fear holds us back from venturing into the unknown which may well hold a treasure of joy and excitement for us. Of course, we need to be mindful and careful, but not fearful. When we lose our fear we find the courage and creativity to dream and dare.

Anger, like thick smoke clouds our intellect and we forget the very things we needed most to face the situation or handle ourselves. And when this veil lifts, we see things with clarity and often wonder why we acted differently when we knew better. When we lose our anger, we find clarity and calmness to move ahead in the toughest situations.

People and things will come and go, being transient in nature, nothing is permanent. Even as we enjoy them when they are part of our lives, to become so attached and miserable when we lose them is like living with golden chains that bind us. When we lose our sentimentality and attachments, we find inner joy and peace, making us realise the power of our own Self-sufficiency.

Life is a journey of discovery. And after several experiences, we may well discover that this journey is not about collecting but connecting. And when we start connecting to the true treasure within, we will realise that to find our Self, we have to lose our self.

(Picture – Georgetown, Penang)

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