Write It Down

Aug 11, 2024 | growing, knowledge | 0 comments

Finding something in a messy cupboard or cluttered drawer is always difficult. Not only do we waste a lot of time, it agitates us. It is the same with our mind. We have so many thoughts and emotions surfacing constantly, that we often find ourselves agitated and even confused due to a cluttered mind. It may be worth developing a simple habit that can make a big difference –  write it down.

Just as we clean our cupboard and reorganise things neatly, writing down things helps reorganise our thoughts and organise them in mental drawers. Much of our agitation reduces when we compartmentalise things internally rather than getting overwhelmed by thinking about everything together.

We need to remind ourselves of decisions we have taken, promises made to ourselves, and perspectives we have given to situations. Often, our memory fails us when we are disturbed and looking for much-needed clarity. Written thoughts, take the pressure off finding answers that already exist.

Each one of us needs a reminder to help us stay on our path. We often underestimate the power of written thoughts in not only reminding ourselves but also motivating us. Sometimes reading our own thoughts written in moments of clarity can give us answers to issues we may be dealing with.

If we measure it, we can improve it – this principle not only helps sportspersons, scientists and professionals, but it is as true for us personally. Our ability to measure and monitor our progress comes from re-visiting thoughts from our past.

The height of our growth is rooted in the depth of our thinking. When we create the silent space and capture our thoughts on paper, not only do we untie emotional knots that were holding us back, we also discover creative and innovative answers we never knew existed.

We all collect things that make us happy, but often our greatest happiness comes from memories and experiences. A collection of our thoughts over the years can serve as the best gift we may give ourselves, but we can only do that if we start with the powerful habit – write it down.

(Picture – Penang Botanical Gardens)

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