Are We Making Enough Time For Ourselves

Are We Making Enough Time For Ourselves

In a fast-paced world with so many things we plan to do, we often struggle to find time. Suddenly opportunities and resources seem easier to come by, time is at a premium. In our quest to achieve our goals and live up to our responsibilities we keep ourselves so busy...

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Burden Of The Past, Weight Of The Future

Burden Of The Past, Weight Of The Future

Any system that gets overloaded tends to slow down. An overloaded vehicle struggles to climb up an incline, a good runner loses steam and speed with weights tied to his legs. We may not realise it, but we too load our emotional system with two things that we carry...

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Learn To Pause Before Reacting

Learn To Pause Before Reacting

When we look back on how we may have handled ourselves in situations and in managing our relationships, we may well find that often we have reacted only to wish we had done it differently. The issue is not that we didn’t know better, if we reflect back we may well...

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Building Our Emotional Immunity

Building Our Emotional Immunity

Doctors have told us that we need to build our immunity to prevent falling sick. We know that the physical discipline of food, exercise, and rest is critical to our well-being, but how often have we stepped back and focussed on building our emotional immunity? When we...

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