If The Direction Is Right, Don’t Stress The Speed

If The Direction Is Right, Don’t Stress The Speed

We all have goals we set for ourselves and often while working hard towards achieving them, we find ourselves racing against time. When we look back on events and outcomes in our life, we will realise that some things happened well before we expected and some things...

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Are We Trapped In Our Own Self-Image

Are We Trapped In Our Own Self-Image

Sometimes the way we are viewed and perceived by others matters so much to us that we slowly start losing our authenticity and start living for validation. On reflecting, we may realise that in living up to the expectations of others and protecting our self-image, we...

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The Bridge Between Our Dreams And Reality

The Bridge Between Our Dreams And Reality

We have our dreams, and then our reality. Often we find that even though we can see it in our mind’s eye, we see a gap in the outcome from the way we had imagined it. Sometimes these gaps cause anxiety and frustration, often leaving us wondering what could be the best...

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