Sometimes It Is Good To Interfere

Sometimes It Is Good To Interfere

It is usually good not to interfere in the lives of others unless asked. Even though we may be close to someone, people prefer that we get involved only when they ask us to. Respecting their space and keeping a distance builds strong relationships. However, sometimes...

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Moving From ‘Why Me?’ To ‘Now What?’

Moving From ‘Why Me?’ To ‘Now What?’

The journey of life is a journey of experiences. Each experience comes for a purpose and has its own time frame – nothing lasts forever. We find it easy to go through happy experiences, however, when the going gets tough we often find ourselves unable to cope with the...

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The Go-To People In Our Lives

The Go-To People In Our Lives

When we need an opinion, or support or find ourselves in a situation, we turn to a few people in our life who over the years become our ‘go-to’ people. This strong support system not only becomes a source of strength but also develops into shaping us as well along the...

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