Measure What Matters

Measure What Matters

If you don’t measure it, you cannot improve – this principle holds good not only for sportspersons, organisations, and governments but for each of...

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Measure What Matters

Measure What Matters

If you don’t measure it, you cannot improve – this principle holds good not only for sportspersons, organisations, and governments but for each of us as well. From experience, we know that the goals we have set, whether it be losing weight, achieving a financial...

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Very Often We Start By Saying No

Very Often We Start By Saying No

If we were to look back on why we may have lost out, got into arguments, or sometimes strained relationships, we may well discover a pattern which either we may be unaware of, or in denial about. It is a pattern, which if unchecked becomes a default reaction and...

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Do We Really Value Our Peace Of Mind?

Do We Really Value Our Peace Of Mind?

Everything we do in life is fundamentally to be happy. We put a value on things, possessions, and relationships, measuring our lives with the value that we have created. In the frenzy of doing more and having more, we often forget the true value of things and only...

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Ambition Is Necessary But Not Sufficient

Ambition Is Necessary But Not Sufficient

It is natural to be ambitious. Even though we may not recognise it in ourselves, each one of us has some ambition in life, something we would like to achieve or do. It need not necessarily be the ambition for something big or grand, but something very important to us....

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