One Square Of Chocolate

One Square Of Chocolate

Djokovic is regarded as one of the best tennis players ever, but what caught my attention in a recent article was not the number of successes he has...

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Are We Being Tolerant Or Are We Being Patient

Are We Being Tolerant Or Are We Being Patient

There are times in life we have to wait for things to change. It is not that we don’t understand that things take time, the challenge is often in the in-between period of wait. It will serve us well to be aware of whether we are waiting with tolerance or with...

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One Square Of Chocolate

One Square Of Chocolate

Djokovic is regarded as one of the best tennis players ever, but what caught my attention in a recent article was not the number of successes he has had, but the story about him and one square of chocolate. In 2012 after he beat Nadal in the finals of the Australian...

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Sometimes It Is Better Not To Give Advice

Sometimes It Is Better Not To Give Advice

Sometimes giving advice comes naturally to us. In a conversation, we often quickly jump to reacting with what we think should be done and end up telling others what we think they should do. Much as we mean well and have their best interest in mind, we must be mindful...

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