When Parents Finally Graduate

When Parents Finally Graduate

Yesterday our younger son Abeer graduated from St.Andrews. Rashida has beautifully penned this for him and Amal. When I look back to when my sons...

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Why Does Change Often Bring Sorrow

Why Does Change Often Bring Sorrow

We know that change is the insignia of life, we know that nothing will remain as is forever, and yet, why does change often bring us sorrow? If we reflect upon this, we may realise that it is not the lack of understanding, but the unwillingness to accept this simple...

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When Parents Finally Graduate

When Parents Finally Graduate

Yesterday our younger son Abeer graduated from St.Andrews. Rashida has beautifully penned this for him and Amal. When I look back to when my sons were born, 24 and 22 years ago I feel as if time has flown past… from being completely dependent on us and sleeping...

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Hurt Comes Fast, Healing Takes Time

Hurt Comes Fast, Healing Takes Time

Just as we can physically wound ourselves in minutes but we may need months to get back to normal, so too with our emotions. Hurt comes fast, healing takes time. Often, we are so consumed by our hurt that we forget to give ourselves the time and space to heal, and...

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