If Only We Knew Then What We Know Today

May 5, 2023 | faith, knowledge | 1 comment

As we look back at events and decisions in our life, we often reflect that if we had known then what we know now, life may have taken a different turn for us. This feeling sometimes leads to regret and anger at ourselves for not having made better choices. This feeling is natural, and if we look around, we are not alone in feeling this way. What is now critical is to get over some of our past that is holding us back.

Today we understand that there were some experiences we were meant to go through. If we truly deeply reflect, we can see why they came for our own benefit and inner growth. What seemed challenging externally may be what we needed to go through internally. If we know that today, why do we still get stressed when faced with challenges?

Life has had a strange way of unravelling itself in unexpected ways. It almost seems that there is a plan that is playing out at various stages in our life. We may not be able to explain it, but we have experienced it, and deep down without putting words to it, we can feel it. If we know that today, why do we still worry about the future?

Physical laws of life have an instantaneous cause-effect which can be seen. However, laws of life work differently; the effect comes back to us sometimes immediately, and sometimes after a period of time. We have experienced that life catches up with us. If we know that today, why do we still feel we can take shortcuts and cheat life?

Every time we fall, we know we have to find the resilience to spring back. Life is not about not making mistakes, but about learning, growing and moving ahead. It is not important where we are on the continuum, what is important is which direction we are moving in. If we know that today, why are we not making that small progress every day?

When all seemed lost and we really didn’t know what to do next, it was faith that carried us through. If we know that today, why do we find it difficult to find faith in our toughest situations?

Sometimes it is good to take a pause, look back, and learn from all that we have been through. Soon this reflection becomes our conviction and inner wisdom. We have a great future ahead, not because life will be partial and favour us, but because we know today what we didn’t know then.

(Picture-Duomo, Milan)

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