We carry several relationships in our life, and often, many of them carry expectations of us. It is but natural to have basic expectations of each other, especially with people we are close to. However, if we are not careful, these said and unsaid expectations can become a burden, and we may well find ourselves living life trying to meet people’s expectations.
Often others don’t always know what all we are already taking care of, and even if they do, sometimes they are not aware or sensitive to what’s on our mind. In being there for people, we often compromise the time and attention we need to give ourselves.
Love must be built on the foundation of respect, but sometimes one can start being taken for granted in subtle ways. Not that we mind doing things, but when the expectations start to become a subtle demand and carry strong reactions if we are unable to fulfill them, we find ourselves in a tough spot, torn between what we can and would like to do, and what we are expected to do.
As we navigate life, our priorities and preferences become clearer to us. We start balancing our lives, being there for those we care for, and at the same time living the life of our choice. But when some people around us haven’t changed, they cannot understand why they need to change their expectations and accept the changes in our life.
The fear of disappointing people drives us to often compromise our own well-being. Our willingness and ability in having conversations about resetting expectations, does not have to be an argument or confrontation. Expressing our need to be better understood is necessary when we sense the fun and joy in a relationship being replaced by expectations.
No matter how hard we try, there may be a few who express their disappointment, and make us feel as if we have not done our bit for them. Such is life, we cannot always keep everyone happy all the time. As long as we have done our best and have genuinely been there when we could, we need to lift our inner burden by reminding ourselves of a simple fact – we cannot meet everyone’s expectations.
(Picture – Surabaya, Indonesia)