The Universe Of Our Ego

The Universe Of Our Ego

Recently a friend sent me a picture of Earth as seen from Saturn. It was nothing more than a tiny blue dot, a speck of dust in the universe. We live...

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The Universe Of Our Ego

The Universe Of Our Ego

Recently a friend sent me a picture of Earth as seen from Saturn. It was nothing more than a tiny blue dot, a speck of dust in the universe. We live on this speck of dust and are just 1 out of 7.8 billion people. When we think about it, at one level we are so...

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Life Was Never Meant To Be A Straight Line

Life Was Never Meant To Be A Straight Line

Life was never meant to be a straight line much as we want things to be predictable and go our way. We know that uncertainty is part of life, and we have all experienced the often-heard phrase that ‘change is the only constant.’ Yet, we find ourselves thrown off...

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Learning To Love Even When Things Are Not Going Right

Learning To Love Even When Things Are Not Going Right

Love can be one of the most uplifting feelings that we experience. We operate from a plane of consciousness that gives us joy and clarity, and we just know it to be the essence of life. Yet, we find ourselves lacking love when things are not going right. Even though...

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Life Has A Way Of Sorting Things Out

Life Has A Way Of Sorting Things Out

There is a part of us that is always wondering how the future will play out for us. Some of us are happy to have our hands read, and out of curiosity, we may read our horoscope in the papers. Over the years we have gathered enough experiences to keep us busy for a...

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