Finding It In Ourselves To Pay A Living Wage

Nov 25, 2022 | awareness | 3 comments

There are many people we employ, who along with their families are dependent on us for their livelihood. When it comes to deciding what would be fair wage, we often ask our friends and at some level, we make sure we are paying more than minimum wage. But when we look around and realise the real challenges some people dependent on us are going through, we will realise that we need to go beyond, and move from just paying minimum wage to paying a living wage.

Of course, we need to be mindful of our own affordability and ensure our decisions are sustainable. However, if we start thinking along the lines of a living wage, we may well find that we have the ability to do a bit more than what is expected of us.

A living wage comes from a deep sense of compassion, realising that the blessings in our life are an opportunity and responsibility to help others shoulder their burden.

It comes from reflecting on our purpose, and realising that our responsibility is not just our own well-being, but including those not as fortunate as us in our prosperity. One of the three pillars of the teaching of Guru Nanak is ‘Vand Chhako’ – sharing our good fortune with others as a community, and helping them move ahead with dignity.

It comes from finding the courage to set a trend rather than just being a follower. It is easy to follow, but the joy of life is sometimes breaking away from what is just expected of us, to doing something for others beyond their expectation.

It comes from realising that as disparities in society grow, so does our responsibility to bridge the internal gap between what we can afford and what we are willing to give. And we can only bridge this gap when we have invoked a deep sense of gratitude for everything that is in place in our lives.

It comes from realising that going beyond what is expected and what others may be doing, does not make us less rich; it enriches the lives of those who serve us with dedication and integrity, which we sometimes forget and take for granted.

If we reflect on it, we will realise that in life, we always ‘want’ the maximum, and of course, we must work hard and aspire for the best for ourselves. But that is just half a life lived; we complete the circle of life when we also find the inner calling to ‘give’ the maximum we can.

Going beyond just the minimum gives life a flavour that we cannot understand until we experience it, and we can start by reflecting on a simple change of moving from just giving a minimum wage to providing a living wage.

(Picture – Coal Harbour, Vancouver)

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  1. Good morning Vivek
    Absolutely on mark . Joy of giving without expectations is unmatched . 🙏

  2. Super

  3. Let me share another way of paying a ‘living wage’. Guided from within, I started paying extra wage to our helper for opening a bank account in the name of his daughter.


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