Finding It In Ourselves To Pay A Living Wage

Finding It In Ourselves To Pay A Living Wage

There are many people we employ, who along with their families are dependent on us for their livelihood. When it comes to deciding what would be fair wage, we often ask our friends and at some level, we make sure we are paying more than minimum wage. But when we look...

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A Story That Started A Journey For Me

A Story That Started A Journey For Me

It was a story I heard almost 27 years ago that started a journey for me that has been both meaningful and enjoyable. I was at an industrial program of Initiatives of Change (IofC) in Panchgani where a senior manager from Tata Motors shared an incident with a worker...

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The Power Of Reaching Out

The Power Of Reaching Out

Recently a friend shared a very interesting fact about redwood forests. The redwood and sequoia trees are the largest trees and some of them live for hundreds or even thousands of years, and yet very interestingly, they do not have deep roots. One may wonder that...

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Start, Stop, Continue

Start, Stop, Continue

We constantly strive for a better quality life, and this seems like it is always work in progress. It is true because as the world around us changes, we need to keep changing to be able to adapt and respond adequately. Herein sometimes lies our struggle; we make our...

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