To dream the impossible dream is always inspiring, and yet, we often don’t go beyond because even though we have seen it in our mind’s eye, we don’t truly believe that the impossible can be achieved. And when we see and hear of outstanding achievements, we often wonder how those people did it. The answer may well lie in the fact that it was not one lucky giant leap, but small possible steps working towards what looked impossible.
At first, the goal looks impossible because we view it from where are currently. But as we start achieving small steps, not only does our ability change, our view changes as well. Small possible steps change our perspective and start building the belief that we probably can.
The analysis paralysis of why something cannot be achieved often freezes us and prevents us from even starting. We often forget that even though we may not get exactly what we are imagining, the direction is inspiring enough, and over time the steps we achieve themselves bring joy and motivation to continue. Small steps build their own momentum to propel us forward.
The mind responds to rewards. When we start gaining success and appreciation with the few steps we take, we suddenly realise that there is tremendous value in continuing. How often we have overcome laziness and continued our fitness regime when people start telling us that we are looking good and fit. How often we have pushed ourselves when others notice and applaud the work we are doing. Small steps become mini inspirations in themselves.
Not every step is easy, nor will things always be favourable to us. Sometimes the thought of giving up and once again feeling that we are foolish chasing the impossible can easily end our journey. But when we realise that small steps can help us either overcome challenges or sidestep them and course correct, we realise that there is always a way out. Small steps build our resilience.
Every step changes us. We discover things about ourselves and others as we move ahead. Our strengths and weaknesses become evident, which we didn’t realise until we dared to take the first step. Small steps are a process of self-unfoldment.
It is true that we may or may not achieve the impossible we have dreamt about. But as we find it in ourselves to take the first step, we will discover the beautiful secret of life – it is not achieving the impossible that will change our life. It is constantly achieving small possible steps that changes us every day.
(Picture- Inside the Cologne Cathedral)