Krishna And Karna

Krishna And Karna

Yesterday a friend shared a wonderful conversation between Lord Krishna and the great warrior Karna. Karna starts narrating how unfair life had been...

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The Real Meaning Of Being Peaceful

The Real Meaning Of Being Peaceful

A friend shared a beautiful story of a king who offered a prize to the artist who best portrayed peace. He looked at all the pictures and liked two. One was a picture of a calm lake, mirroring the mountains and the peaceful blue sky above with fluffy clouds. The other...

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Krishna And Karna

Krishna And Karna

Yesterday a friend shared a wonderful conversation between Lord Krishna and the great warrior Karna. Karna starts narrating how unfair life had been to him – his mother left him at birth; he did not receive his training from the greatest teacher because he was not...

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The Power Of ‘I Don’t Know’

The Power Of ‘I Don’t Know’

When we do not know something, are at a loss when asked to decide, or when with others we are not as well informed or knowledgeable, we sometimes feel inadequate. Often, we try and cover up, wanting others to carry a good impression of us. We often forget that three...

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We Measure Our Inside By Other People’s Outside

We Measure Our Inside By Other People’s Outside

I recently attended a talk by Dr.Robert Waldinger, professor at Harvard Medical School, who spoke on the Circle of Happiness. In his talk he made a very interesting observation, a thought that stayed with me – ‘we measure our inside by other people’s outside.’ It is...

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When We Attach To The Higher, The Lower Falls

When We Attach To The Higher, The Lower Falls

Often as we strive to move higher in life, either materially or spiritually, we often find ourselves making some progress and then sliding back. This yo-yo becomes a frustrating pattern and we find ourselves making marginal progress. There are two ways in which we can...

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Achieving The Impossible Through Small Possible Steps

Achieving The Impossible Through Small Possible Steps

To dream the impossible dream is always inspiring, and yet, we often don’t go beyond because even though we have seen it in our mind’s eye, we don’t truly believe that the impossible can be achieved. And when we see and hear of outstanding achievements, we often...

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