Every thought, word, and action is an expression of energy we send out into the universe. We know what we send out but are not always sure of what the consequences will be. When things go well, we map it back to good things we may have done, but when we face unexpected and severe challenges, we start looking for external reasons for our misery. Different laws cannot apply in good fortune and in challenges. Understanding this law is understanding and accepting life.
When we throw a ball against a wall, there are no surprises when it bounces back, in fact, we expect it. When we throw a white ball, a white ball bounces back and on throwing a black ball, a black one comes back. The laws of life are not as simple to see and understand as a ball and a wall, and yet, the underlying principle is the same.
We can estimate the time in which the ball will bounce back to us. However, we are often unable to co-relate what is happening to us with something we may have done much earlier. The fact is that the effect of our thoughts, words, and actions comes back as a consequence in a completely different time frame. Knowing this builds our acceptance.
We feel the law of causality exists for physical objects which we can observe. We often forget that our thoughts are just as powerful and carry an energy field, governed by the same principle. Just because nobody else knows it, doesn’t mean we can get away with negativity and impurity within; it will bounce back at us, at some point. Knowing this builds our awareness and responsibility for everything we think, say, and do.
The same ball thrown with force at a wall comes back to us with the same force. But in life, the same forceful energy that is thrown out there towards someone or something often comes back to us in a completely different form which we often don’t recognise. But realising this principle builds our faith, and more importantly our sense of empowerment, knowing that at a fundamental level what is bouncing back at us is what we have been throwing out there, putting our future in our own hands.
In life there are no coincidences; we are getting what we ourselves have sent out, maybe not realising it earlier. We cannot stop what will come our way, but we can be mindful of what energy we are sending out there because no matter how smart we think we are, we cannot escape the simple law of life – whatever we throw out there, life bounces it back at us.
(Picture – Queen Elizabeth Park, Vancouver )