Life Is Too Short

Life Is Too Short

The passing away of people puts life in perspective. When someone young is no more, we often remark that life is too short. We live with this...

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There Is Always Another Side To It

There Is Always Another Side To It

We often see one side of an issue, the one we want to see. Our loyalty, conditioning, and perspective make us believe that the way we are seeing things is the right way, and probably the only right way. It is not that we may be incorrect in the way we view things, but...

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Hurts That Don’t Get Transformed, Get Transferred

Hurts That Don’t Get Transformed, Get Transferred

We get wounded and hurt badly by several things that we allow to happen to us. It is not just the hurt itself, but what it does if it is not handled correctly that can become a bigger cause for concern for us. It will serve us well to reflect on our own past hurts,...

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The Ball Of Life Bounces Back At Us

The Ball Of Life Bounces Back At Us

Every thought, word, and action is an expression of energy we send out into the universe. We know what we send out but are not always sure of what the consequences will be. When things go well, we map it back to good things we may have done, but when we face...

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When We Slow Down, We See Things We May Have Missed

When We Slow Down, We See Things We May Have Missed

In a fast-changing world, we often find ourselves living a fast-paced life. Time flies, and when we look back we often wonder where it went. The physical quantum of time obviously has not changed, but our thoughts are moving at such a high frequency that we get the...

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Life Is Too Short

Life Is Too Short

The passing away of people puts life in perspective. When someone young is no more, we often remark that life is too short. We live with this feeling because our mind is constantly throwing up things that we want to do and achieve, and we don’t always get what we...

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