Being On The Same Page

Being On The Same Page

In any relationship, be it personal or professional, it is so important to be on the same page. This doesn’t mean that we need to agree with...

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Making An Appointment With Ourselves

Making An Appointment With Ourselves

We always seem to be running against time. Trying to pack everything in a day often gets difficult, especially with so many people and events vying for our attention. When we periodically review our life, we often feel good about all that we have achieved and all the...

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Sometimes We Are Strong, Sometimes Not

Sometimes We Are Strong, Sometimes Not

We go through life oscillating between feeling strong and sometimes not. When we are feeling strong, we live with confidence that we can take on anything that comes our way, and yet when we find our strength waning, even the things we could easily handle start...

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Being On The Same Page

Being On The Same Page

In any relationship, be it personal or professional, it is so important to be on the same page. This doesn’t mean that we need to agree with everything, nor does it mean that we need to always view everything in the same way. Being on the same page means aligning at a...

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True Friendship Is An Expression Of Love

True Friendship Is An Expression Of Love

Friends have a special place in our lives, not only because we enjoy spending time with them, but over the years they have had a major influence on the way we are. We have learned from them, laughed with them, shared unforgettable moments, and even fought with them....

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Don’t Just Solve The Problem, Think Three Steps Ahead

Don’t Just Solve The Problem, Think Three Steps Ahead

There are several problems we have solved in our life, and over the years we may have developed the ability to face challenges with the right spirit and attitude. We often feel that once we have solved a problem, our work is done. However, we often forget that even...

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