Sometimes we are very mindful of the needs of our friends and others, and are willing to go out of our way to do things for them. Yet, often people closest to us get overlooked. Just because they are closest to us, we feel they don’t need our attention and affection, assuming that they know we care. Of course we care enough, but we need to be mindful of a simple fact of life – we should never take anyone for granted.
Every person has a need to be loved and cared for, and for affection to be shown from time to time. They may not doubt how much they mean to us, but taking it for granted that we don’t need to display our affection is a mistake.
When we are seen as doing so much for others, there is a natural expectation that we will also display the same enthusiasm for those closest to us. It is not the expectation of pressure and demands, but a very human feeling. And when we take it for granted that it is okay to ignore their expectations just because they are so close to us, we hurt them without realising it.
If they truly are special, then we need to show it and let them know. To take it for granted that they ought to know since we take care of many things in their life, is picking up the wrong end of the stick. The practical things we do for those closest to us is not a substitute for the effort we need to make to make them feel special, even though they may know it.
Behind every relationship is a person, and each one of us has a deep need to be happy and loved. The closeness of a relationship, in fact, allows us a better opportunity to give each other that love and happiness. To take that closeness for granted can be a big mistake.
Relationships are like plants, if they are not watered and nourished regularly, they wither away. And if we find some relationships getting strained and drifting away, on reflecting we may realise that they were probably those that we took for granted.
(Picture-First mango fruits of the season)
Vivek, this time you hit the ball right out of the stadium! Happens to all people some of the time , and with some all the time.
Pre-occupations, and devices are both distractions and addictions that take us away from our nearest ones.